The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police is the voice of Ontario’s Police Leaders.
Members of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police serve their communities as senior police leaders in municipal, regional, provincial, national, and First Nations police services across Ontario.
Media Release
Constable Laura Nicolle Awarded the 2023 OACP/OMRON
Catherine Martin Award of Excellence in Media Relations
For Immediate Release: June 13, 2023
(Kingston, ON) – The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) is proud to announce that Constable Laura Nicolle of York Regional Police (YRP) is the recipient of the 2023 OACP/OMRON Catherine Martin Award of Excellence in Media Relations.
This award recognizes a sworn or civilian member who has demonstrated consistent dedication and professionalism in the strategic use of media and/or social media to educate and showcase the profession of policing in the community, supporting public safety, or advancing investigations in the Province of Ontario.
In her 10 years serving as a media relations officer for York Regional Police, Cst. Nicolle has consistently demonstrated professionalism, compassion, and dedication, proving herself a valued provincial leader in the field.
Her innate sensitivity and empathy is always evident, whether delivering public appeals to locate missing people, speaking at tragic scenes of fatal motor vehicle collisions or at dynamically evolving homicide scenes, effectively communicating vital information to the community.
Developing strong relationships with media partners is a requirement of the job and Cst. Nicolle spends countless hours liaising with media from across the GTA, creating allies, not adversaries.
As a media relations leader, the OACP has benefited for years from her exceptional teaching skills through its Media Relations Officers Course, delivered to police and justice personnel from across Ontario and beyond twice annually.
Constable Laura Nicolle’s unparalleled professionalism and competence has greatly benefited York Regional Police, media partners, her community, and Ontario’s media relations officers.
This annual award is made possible by the generous support from McMaster University.
Media Contact:
José Luís (Joe) Couto
Director of Government Relations & Communications
C. (416) 919-9798
Twitter: @OACPOfficial
Instagram: @OACPOfficial